
Don't forget to do this on the eve of your wedding!

Don't forget to do this on the eve of your wedding!

It is important for us photographers to photographs these items because we find that these are things that are easily overlooked by brides and grooms on the day of the wedding. Wedding days can get hectic; there are so many things going on and so many people to talk to that you will inevitably forget to stop and smell the roses, as the saying goes. You will be too busy enjoying yourself that you will forget to admire the impressive bouquet arrangement you ordered or appreciate the custom bracelets you gifted your bridesmaids. 

Where in Ottawa: Andrew Hayden Park | A Blog Series on Ottawa's Best Locations for Wedding and Engagement Session

Where in Ottawa: Andrew Hayden Park | A Blog Series on Ottawa's Best Locations for Wedding and Engagement Session

Andrew Hayden Park is one of those places that everyone in Ottawa has been to at least once! Located on Carling Avenue at Holly Acres Road, the park features typical walking trails, play structures, a bandshell for outdoor concerts, artificial ponds, and a picnic area. It is a stone throw away from the Nepean Sailing Club and a good 20-minute walk from Brittania Beach. Unlike the previous locations featured in this blog series (Pink Lake and Dominion Arboretum), Andrew Haydon Park does not have lush trees and greeneries. Most of the trees are on the edges of the park, and they are not nearly as abundant and thick. 

Where in Ottawa: Dominion Arboretum | A Blog Series on Ottawa's Best Locations for Wedding and Engagement Sessions

Where in Ottawa: Dominion Arboretum | A Blog Series on Ottawa's Best Locations for Wedding and Engagement Sessions

"Where In Ottawa" is a blog series featuring the best locations to have for your wedding or engagement photo sessions. For each post of this series, we will pick a spot, outline some of the highlights and challenges using the location, and show some photos we've shot for inspiration! 

5 things you shouldn't worry about on your wedding day. and what can help you avoid them!

5 things you shouldn't worry about on your wedding day. and what can help you avoid them!

The wedding day can be stressful. It is, after all, the culmination of a year's worth of planning and organization for most couples.  I have always said that my number goal as the wedding photographer is to ensure that my couples are as comfortable and relaxed as they could be. A comfortable and relax couple = amazing photos! Of course, it can't be help sometimes when couples worry about how the day is going to go. Is the weather going to cooperate? What happens if the DJ doesn't show up? How do I keep the guests entertained? These are some of the major worries couples have on the day of their wedding. And when you have a worried couple, it will often show in their faces, and will ultimately show on their wedding photos! And no photoshop skills can help with that, no matter how skilled we are at it!

South + Eli / Le Belvedere, Wakefield, QC

South + Eli / Le Belvedere, Wakefield, QC

One of the first weddings I photographed this season is South and Eli's beautiful wedding at Le Belvedere in Wakefield, Quebec. If you have never been to Le Belvedere or to Wakefield for that matter, you should make a plan to visit. Wakefield is one of the prettiest little towns along the Gatineau River. It is a wonderful mixture of nature, art, and good food.